Holisti parasite cleanse


Holistic parasit cleanse- parasites in our body and how to treat them

Updated: Oct 8

Parasites in our body

Our health is threatened by several species of various parasites - these include, for example, the element Toxoplasma gondii (the cause of toxoplasmosis), roupi (Enterobius vermicularis), nematodes (both of these species mainly attack children), tapeworm Taenia saginata (occurs in insufficiently heat-treated meat ), whipworm (Latin lamblike, mainly attacks the small intestine) or various species of moths.

From an exotic holiday, we can bring as an unwanted souvenir a perch (Echinococcus granulosus, which causes a rare but relatively dangerous echinococcosis in our country), plasmodia (transmitted by mosquitoes cause malaria) or an exchangeworm (the cause of amoebae).

The most frequent consumption of leavened dough and flour in general, milk, white sugar and the use of medicines leads to an infestation of the digestive tract by foreign organisms - molds, yeasts and bacteria. These parasites penetrate the intestinal mucosa and feed on its blood. At the same time, they usually produce toxic substances that act on our body so strongly that the doctor can hardly distinguish the symptoms of the real disease from the symptoms of the terrible and at the same time completely unpredictable activity of parasites in the intestines.

How to protect yourself from parasites?

Of course, prevention is important - to wash your hands thoroughly, not to drink unwrapped water or unwashed vegetables or fruits on holiday, especially on holiday abroad in remote regions. Educate children before leaving for summer camp and avoid potential carriers - for toxoplasma, these are cats, especially outdoor ones (or wash their hands thoroughly after contact with them). It is very useful to use natural preparations containing extracts from medicinal plants, which act in various ways against parasites in our bodies. This is to support the deworming of the body from parasites.

Supplements for deworming people As a very strong combination capable of killing a large number of parasites in the body, the walnut, wormwood and cloves are recommended in herbal medicine. You can also find some supplements on the market, such our silica detox drops or Parazin from the company Natural Medicaments. It has a very interesting composition - the combination of variously acting extracts provides optimal support both in the case of prevention and in the case of endangered organisms by parasites.

Holistic Parasite Cleanse

Except for powerful cellular detox drops, Alcoholic extracts from the shells of its unripe nuts (Juglans nigra) are used in alternative medicine for their antibacterial and anti-parasitic effects enhanced by alcohol to cleanse and treat the digestive tract. It acts not only in the stomach but also in the intestines, which cleanses and protects against unwanted microorganisms.

Another ingredient is the old well-known garlic (Allium sativum), popularly called the "natural antibacterial drug". The substance allicin is responsible for its antibacterial action, and overall garlic also has an antiparasitic effect. Curcumin contained in the extract from another medicinal plant, long Curcuma (Curcuma longa), has an antiparasitic effect.

Another item on the list - extract from the leaves and flowers of clove (Syzygium aromaticum) has a strong antibacterial effect, which is used in natural medicine in Asian countries for dysentery and other severe infections of the stomach tract.

The last ingredient on the list (but not in importance) is an extract from the flowers of Thymus vulgaris, also known as thyme. Thanks to its essential oil, thymol has long been popular as an aid in digestive disorders (it is a disinfectant of the digestive tract with anticonvulsant, anti-flatulence and anthelmintic effects).

Deworming procedures

We use antiparasitic drugs, suitable herbs or supplements, it is essential not to forget about changing the diet and support the elimination of parasites from the body. The diet should be light with lots of fruits and vegetables, limit hard to digest fats, meat, eggs and combination foods.

Homemade remedy for deworming

Deworming Ingredients: 100g flax seeds 10g cloves 
Preparation: Grind the seeds with cloves into a fine powder. You can use a coffee grinder, mortar or food processor. 

Treatment: Take 2 tablespoons of powder every morning for 3 days. Add it to your smoothie, porridge, stir in a glass of warm filtered water or just a teaspoon and drink. Then take a 3 day break and repeat the use for 3 days. The whole process takes 30 days.


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