What are symptoms of hormonal imbalance?


Overweight from hormonal problems?

Updated: Oct 8

Is overweight caused by hormones?

The overweight, thyroid dysfunction, autoimmune diseases, painful menstruation or loss of one, and diabetes. Solution? Levothyroxine, Corticosteroids, hormonal contraception, injections of steroid medicine, Ocrelizumab, Natalizumab, and Alemtuzumab are helping and should be used to treat the actual problem but unfortunately do not help to solve the problem. And also when the helping substance expires or the body builds resistance to it what comes next? 95% of overweight and other diseases are side effects of nutrition deficit and wrong diet. So basically the overweight is not caused by the hormonal problems but hormonal problems are the cause of the wrong diet.

Overweight and hormones how to loose weight

In the USA there is the highest amount of diabetes. It is not a paradox. High sugar intake and more medicine intake (drug misuse) cause more problems. With the number of patients the doctors do not have time to educate people. We receive many control signs that something is not well before we become seriously sick but we have to hear the body (mood changes, fatigue, pain, inflammation, often sickness, menstruation problems, bad feelings etc.) all those are signals you get years, even many years before the body cumulate the causes and create a real disease.

Cause of the problem

For example problems with insulin resistance are caused earlier than overweight and overweight symptoms are caused already in early childhood even if the metabolism is working well and the body is able to burn well. If someone is not overweight in 10 years doesn't mean that his bad habits and unhealthy diet will not have a major impact on his health and his hormonal system which is created. The food we eat has a major effect on the hormonal system.

Is a hormonal diet effective? 

Woman's bodies can use menstruation for weight loss. Diet Tailored To Your Menstrual Cycle Could Help You Lose Weight. The idea that hormonal shifts tied to your menstrual cycle could play a role in WEIGHT LOSS isn't farfetched. Simple said we can use the menstruation cycle to lose weight.


During phase 1 energy expenditures are increased. This is happening from the end of menstruation till ovulation. Testosterone is rising up and the body is stronger. Women can eat more, but if they lower carbohydrates they will lose fat and weight. 


From ovulation, the estrogen is rising up. Women should eat fewer carbohydrates and more protein to keep weight or lose fat. For those who wish to lose weight, they should avoid carbohydrates or eat even fewer carbohydrates than in phase 1. If in this phase the carbohydrates income will be higher than in the previous phase women start to gain weight. If women will eat the same amount of carbohydrates in both phases they will gain fat.

Do it yourself and Start with Elimination Diet

An elimination diet means that for at least three weeks (or better yet 4 weeks) you will completely take away a suspicious food or group of foods. Only by experimenting with elimination diets can we gradually create the only correct and truthful information about which foods they REALLY BENEFIT and which are harmful to us.

We remind you of the need to drink at least two litres of fluids a day - this is really minimum conservation. (During cleansing peels, many people drink even more fluids and replace more or less solid food with them.) We almost always recommend starting with the elimination of purine substances, which means not eating meat, including fish.It also makes sense to test a gluten-free diet as soon as there is any suspicion.

After a cleansing pause, on the other hand, indulge in this long-denied food or group of foods and try to perceive how the body responds to this food. If your problem is relieved at the end (!!!) of the test period and gets worse again after returning to the suspicious food - then it is obvious that this temporarily eliminated food is really harming you.

Fix your food 

Eating healthy will help you to solve health issues and even diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Rainbow food, nutrients and some dietary products will change your life, your mood, thinking, hormonal system, and fatigue. 


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